Nuke for Episodic Animation





39m 0s

Version Required

Nuke 13.0 and later
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Martin Mayer, Head of Creative Services, takes you through a clever script he created that can be used to automate and manage your Nuke pipeline.

Jessie Burgess, Creative Specialist, investigates LiveGroups to show you how you can work collaboratively while managing your shots from a ‘Master Comp’ workflow.

DJ Matias, Creative Specialist, explores the animation tools in Nuke, providing valuable tips to speed up your workflows.

And finally, Terry Riyasat, Head of Creative Services - AMER, dives into 3D workflows inside Nuke, making use of various assets from the 3D department and exploring how to use them in your shot production.

Whether you’re new to Nuke or are looking to get some useful tips for your animation productions, there’s something for everyone in this joint webinar!

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