Free Up Resources Using Machine Learning from the Command Line in NukeX
1m 21s
Version Required
Nuke X 13.1 and earlierNuke Studio 13.1 and earlier
Increase your output using machine learning in NukeX at the same time as preparing a dataset for another shot. You can train a CopyCat neural network to reproduce an effect on a more powerful machine while you concentrate on preparing another shot in the sequence.
NOTE: In Nuke 13.2, and later, there is no need to write a Python script as described in this video. Command line execution in CopyCat works like any other node using the -X argument. See Train Networks from the Command Line for more details.
NOTE: In Nuke 13.2, and later, there is no need to write a Python script as described in this video. Command line execution in CopyCat works like any other node using the -X argument. See Train Networks from the Command Line for more details.