Create Your Own Tools With BlinkScript



Chris Fryer




1h 4m 53s

Version Required

Nuke X 11.0 and later
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Are you looking to take your image manipulation skills to the next level? If so, BlinkScript is the answer you've been searching for. As a bridge for writing directly to pixels, BlinkScript allows you to create your own custom tools to achieve image manipulation that would otherwise be challenging. If Nuke’s standard toolset doesn't cover it, what you need is a BlinkScript node!

In the first video, pro compositor Chris Fryer will guide you through BlinkScript with three tools he created: GodRaysProjector, ChromaticBlink, and RadialDilate.

• GodRaysProjector allows you to create God rays within a region using two cameras. One to view through and
the other as a projector. Adding God rays to a shot makes them more cinematic and emotionally powerful to
the viewer.

• ChromaticBlink enables you to generate a hypnotic chromatic zoom in or out effect using the transformation
data of two STmaps.

• RadialDilate is a radial version of Nuke’s standard Dilate node and allows you to dilate or erode your image in
and out using a radial filter instead of a square one. This gives you smoother edges when eroding and is
especially useful after keying a character and trimming down roto shapes.

But that's not all. In a second video, Chris will reinforce what you've learned by showing you how to create your own Defocus node with BlinkScript. With custom options to control your defocus amount by feeding it an image or ramp, you'll have more control over the areas to defocus in your shots.

This tool can be used for powerful emotional effect. Perhaps you have a close-up filmed on a wide-angle lens with too much depth of field. Now, you can make that close-up more emotive by defocusing the background, making the depth of field appear shallow and soft.

So why wait? take advantage of the benefits of BlinkScript. You can also check out more BlinkScript tutorials on Chris Fryer’s page and elevate your image manipulation skills to new heights. With the power of BlinkScript at your fingertips, there's no limit to what you can achieve.


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