



struct st_LXpPixelGeometry

Every pixel can be evaluated for its basic geometry which is stored in this structure:

Public Members

LXtFVector nrm
LXtFVector wpos
LXtFVector opos
float dist
void *gsrf


struct st_LXpPixelGeometrySeg

Same as the LXpPixelGeometry, but also supports geometry segments

Public Members

LXtFVector nrm
LXtFVector wpos
LXtFVector opos
float dist
void *gsrf
void *gseg


class ILxRaycast1

Public Functions

ILxUnknownID RayPush(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector)

The Raycast1 interface is the old version. Much of the functionality has been moved to the RenderBucket and Lighting interfaces.

LxResult RayPop(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector)
float Raycast(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, const LXtVector pos, const LXtFVector dir)
float Raytrace(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, const LXtVector pos, const LXtFVector dir, int flags)
LxResult InternalShade(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector)
int LightCount(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector)
LxResult LightSampleCount(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, const LXtVector pos, const LXtFVector nrm, int *num)
int LightShadowType(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int lgtIndex)
int LightSampleCountByLight(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int lgtIndex)
LxResult LightSampleByIndex(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int index, LXpLightColor *lCol, float *dot)
LxResult LightValue(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int lgtIndex, LXtFVector *color, float *intensity)
LxResult GetNextShadowRay(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int lgtIndex, LXtVector pos, LXtFVector *dir, int *flags)
LxResult GetNextGIRaySphere(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, LXtFVector *dir, int *flags)
LxResult GetNextGIRayHemisphere(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, LXtFVector *dir, int *flags)
LxResult GetSurfaceID(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, void **id)
LxResult PixelToRay(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int mode, float x, float y, LXpSampleRay *sRay)
LxResult PixelGeometry(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int mode, float x, float y, LXpPixelGeometry *pGeo)
LxResult PoissonOffset(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, float *u, float *v)
LxResult Irradiance(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, const LXtVector pos, const LXtFVector nrm, LXtFVector lum)
LxResult GetBucketGlobalBounce(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int *globBounce)
LxResult GetBucketPixel(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int *x, int *y)
LxResult GetBucketSubPixel(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, float *x, float *y)
LxResult GetBucketTimeOffset(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, float *tOffset)
int GetSurfaceType(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector)
LxResult GetLightSampleDirection(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int lgtIndex, LXtVector pos, LXtFVector *dir)


class ILxRaycast

Public Functions

ILxUnknownID RayPush(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector)

The raycast object is exposed to clients via the raycast interface, which is actually a packet in the sample vector.

  • RayPush/Pop Push and pop a new ray on the stack. This is required for recursive raytracing and should wrap all the calls to raycast, raytrace and pixelGeometry.

  • Raycast Casts a ray in the scene and returns the hit distance or -1 if nothing was hit.

  • Raytrace Raytraces the scene, the results can be extracted from the sample vector.

  • InternalShade Will shade the current hit point using modo’s internal shader, and settings set through the LXpSampleParms packet.

  • PixelToRay Returns the ray direction given the pixel. the ‘mode’ is either relative or absolute, relative pixels are set from the current pixel position.

  • PixelGeometry Returns the pixel geometric information for the given pixel. This is really a wrapper on the raycast function.

  • Irradiance Evaluates the irradiance at the given point (and direction) in space.

LxResult RayPop(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector)
float Raycast(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, const LXtVector pos, const LXtFVector dir)
float Raytrace(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, const LXtVector pos, const LXtFVector dir, int flags)
LxResult InternalShade(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector)
LxResult GetSurfaceID(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, void **id)
int GetSurfaceType(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector)
LxResult PixelToRay(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int mode, float x, float y, LXpSampleRay *sRay)
LxResult PixelGeometry(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int mode, float x, float y, LXpPixelGeometry *pGeo)
LxResult PixelGeometrySeg(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int mode, float x, float y, LXpPixelGeometrySeg *pGeo)


Raycast pixel modes.



Raycast flags. These are made of 3 flag types, that describe the full context of the ray:

  • SCOPE this is what the raytracer sees (polygons, volumetrics, etc)

  • EVAL this is what the raytracer evaluates when the ray intersects something (material, shading, opacity, etc)

  • TYPE this is the ray type which specifies the evaluation context (camera rays, indirect rays, etc). The context is important for various raytracing optimizations and surface visibility options.











class ILxLighting

Public Functions

LxResult LightSourceCount(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int *num)

The lighting object can be used to evaluate the light samples reaching the surface from the various light sources in the scene. It can also be used to evaluate the environment for global illumination. The lighting object is a packet object that can be accessed from the sample vector.

  • LightSourceCount Returns the number of light samples hitting the current surface

  • LightSourceByIndex Returns the light source given by its index, each light source has informations about the light element it is coming from and the direction to the current sample position.

  • LightSourceEvaluate This evaluates the given light source and places the result in ‘lum’ which accounts for everything including the visibility factor, projected textures and shadows.

  • EnvironmentEvaluate This evaluates the environment using the current position and normal packets. The flags are raytrace flags which indicate what the scope of the ray is (environment, surfaces, volumes, etc)

  • GIRequired Returns true if the current surface needs global illumination according to the render settings and the surface properties.

LxResult LightSourceByIndex(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int index, LXpLightSource *lSrc)
LxResult LightSourceEvaluate(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, const LXpLightSource *lSrc, LXtFVector lum)
LxResult EnvironmentEvaluate(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, int samples, int flags, LXtFVector lum)
int GIRequired(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector)