

Volumetric evaluation flags specify the context in which volumetric rays are evaluated. More info about the context can be gathered from the raytrace flags.



struct st_LXtVolumeSample

Volume rendering splits a volume into pieces. Each piece is called a volume sample. It has a color corresponding to the light scattering at that point, an opacity corresponding to the light attenuation, a distance which is the position of the sample on the ray (measured from the origin of the ray), and a stride which is the size of the sample (still measured on the ray).

Public Members

double dist
double color[3]
double opacity[3]
double stride


struct st_LXtSurfFragment

See Also: LXtVolumeSample Solid rendering returns a LXtSurfFragment structure which holds the information resulting from the intersection between the given ray and the solid and the subsequent surface shading. This includes the distance to the origin of the ray, the surface normal, the color and opacity resulting from shading, and the object and surface IDs. Note: Additionnal information that the client would like to set (for special render buffers) can bet set manually by checking the result of the addSolid() method which returns true if the LXtSurfFragment can contribute to the buffers.

Public Members

double dist
double color[3]
double transparency[3]


class ILxRaymarch

Public Functions

LxResult AddVolume(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, LXtVolumeSample *vs)

The raymarching interface allows volume elements to contribute to raytracing by adding volume samples to the ray. Once all the volume elements have been evaluated the ray is ‘flattened’ and the resulting opacity and scattering values are passed to the raytracer.

  • AddVolume adds a volume sample to the ray. The volume sample has scattering and opacity values as well as a size (along the ray) called ‘stride’.

  • AddSurface adds a surface sample to the ray. The surface sample is a sample with 0 stride and is handled differently when computing the transmittance function.

  • GetOpacity at any point during raymarching it is possible to evaluate the opacity for a given distance along the ray.

  • ShaderEvaluate samples can be shaded using the default shader using this function. The resulting values will be in the ShadeOutput packet.

  • Jitter1D to avoid aliasing patterns it is better to jitter the sample positions. This function can be used to produce a good jitter value which will be different for every pixel and for every successive call.

LxResult AddSurface(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, LXtSurfFragment *ss)
LxResult GetOpacity(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, double dist, double *opa)
LxResult ShaderEvaluate(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, LXtObjectID shader)
LxResult Jitter1D(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID vector, float *offset)


Volumetric items can use and\or present a voxel interface to access volumetric data or export their own volumetric data to other items. This is done with the voxel graph:



class ILxVoxel

Public Functions

LxResult FeatureCount(LXtObjectID self, unsigned *num)

  • FeatureCount, FeatureByIndex: returns the number and name of features in the voxel grid.

  • BBox: Specifies the region in world space where the data is located.

  • NextPos: During raymarching we need to march through the data efficiently. The NextPos method returns the next position in the voxel data that needs to be sampled, it will skip void regions to go directly to the next grid cells along the ray.

  • Sample: The grid data can be sampled by position. This will return the data for the given position and feature index, the nature of the data depends on the feature type.

  • VDBData: We directly expose a vdbData object pointer that can be passed around. If the volume data comes from an OpenVdb file this pointer can be passed to other items for operations such as filtering , meshing, etc.

  • RayIntersect: This allows raycasting to be performed on the voxel data.

  • RayRelease: This will be called to release any data allocated by the RayIntersect method.

LxResult FeatureByIndex(LXtObjectID self, unsigned index, const char **name)
LxResult BBox(LXtObjectID self, LXtTableauBox bbox)
LxResult NextPos(LXtObjectID self, float currentPos, unsigned currentSegment, float stride, float *segmentList, unsigned *nextSegment, float *nextPos)
LxResult Sample(LXtObjectID self, const LXtFVector pos, unsigned index, float *val)
LxResult VDBData(LXtObjectID self, void **ppvObj)
LxResult RayIntersect(LXtObjectID self, const LXtVector origin, const LXtFVector direction, unsigned *numberOfSegments, float **Segmentlist)
LxResult RayRelease(LXtObjectID self, unsigned numberOfSegments, float **Segmentlist)