

class ILxRenderCacheService

Public Functions

LxResult CreateRenderCache(LXtObjectID self, void **ppvObj, unsigned int createFlags)

Create render cache. Caller can pass LXiRENDERCACHE_XXX flags to guide the cache initialization.

bool NewRenderCache(CLxLoc_RenderCache &rcache, unsigned createFlags)

User Class Only:








class ILxRenderCache

Public Functions

void Time(LXtObjectID self, double *time, double *timeOffsets)

Return current render cache time and time offsets (for motion blur). Argument timeOffsets is an array of 2 double values.

LxResult Update(LXtObjectID self, double time, int force)

Update render cache to given time. If render cache is created without LXfRENDERCACHE_TURN_OFF_AUTO_UPDATES flag, the method will return LXe_FAILED. If time is the same as internal time no update will happen. In that case specify the force to force the full render cache update.

void Clear(LXtObjectID self)

Clear the render cache.

LxResult GeoSurfaceCount(LXtObjectID self, int *count)

Return number of geo cache surfaces.

LxResult GeoSurfaceAt(LXtObjectID self, int index, void **srf)

Get geo cache surface at given index.

bool GetGeoSurface(int index, CLxLoc_GeoCacheSurface &srf)

User Class Only:


class ILxRenderCacheListener1

Public Functions

void RenderCacheDestroy(LXtObjectID self)
void UpdateBegin(LXtObjectID self)
void UpdateEnd(LXtObjectID self)
void GeoCacheSurfaceAdd(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID geoSrf)
void GeoCacheSurfaceRemove(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID geoSrf)
void GeoCacheSurfaceGeoUpdate(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID geoSrf)
void GeoCacheSurfaceXformUpdate(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID geoSrf)
void GeoCacheSurfaceShaderUpdate(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID geoSrf)


class ILxRenderCacheListener

Public Functions

void RenderCacheDestroy(LXtObjectID self)

Called when render cache is being destroyed. This happens when user changes the current scene (if LXfRENDERCACHE_TRACK_CURRENT_SCENE was specified).

void UpdateBegin(LXtObjectID self)
void UpdateEnd(LXtObjectID self)
void GeoCacheSurfaceAdd(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID geoSrf)

Called after the geo surface has been added to cache.

void GeoCacheSurfaceRemove(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID geoSrf)

Called before the geo surface has been removed from cache.

void GeoCacheSurfaceGeoUpdate(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID geoSrf)

Called when the geo surface data has been changed (this method is called only for non-instanced surfaces).

void GeoCacheSurfaceXformUpdate(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID geoSrf)

Called when the xform data has been changed.

void GeoCacheSurfaceShaderUpdate(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID geoSrf)

Called when the shading data has been changed.

void RenderCacheClear(LXtObjectID self)

Called when render cache is cleared.


class ILxGeoCacheSegment

Public Functions

LxResult GetBBox(LXtObjectID self, LXtBBox *bbox)

Return the segment’s bounding box in the world-space.

void PolygonCount(LXtObjectID self, int *count)
void VertexCount(LXtObjectID self, int *count)
void VertsPerPoly(LXtObjectID self, int *count)

All polygons in the segments have same number of vertices in the polygon. It can be 3 for triangles, 2 for curves and (hair & fur) and 1 for particles.

void VertexFeatureCount(LXtObjectID self, int feature, int *count)

Return if the vertex feature is stored in the segment. OPOS and ONRM are always stored. The count for WVEL, RAD and FUR will be either 0 or 1. For UV, DPDU and DPDV the count will return how many UV vmaps are stored in the segment.

LxResult GetPolygonVertexFeature(LXtObjectID self, int feature, void *featureData, int count, int start)

Segment vertex feature is copied per-polygon-per-vertex into client’s memory (like a triangle soup). Caller can specify the start offset into the segment’s data. The start and count are in number of elements which are from 0 to VertsPerPoly * PolygonCount (not in byte size).

LxResult GetVertexFeature(LXtObjectID self, int feature, void *featureData, int count, int start)

Segment vertex feature is copied per-vertex into client’s memory. Caller can specify the start offset into the segment’s data. The start and count are in number of elements which are from 0 to VertexCount (not in byte size).

LxResult GetPolygonVertexInds(LXtObjectID self, int *polyVertexInds, int count, int start)

Copy polygon vertex indices into client’s memory. Caller can specify the start offset into the segment’s data. The start and count are in number of elements which are from 0 to VertsPerPoly * PolygonVertexCount (not in byte size).










struct st_LXtGeoCacheSrfVisibility

Surface visibility flags

Public Members

unsigned camera : 1
unsigned indirect : 1
unsigned reflection : 1
unsigned refraction : 1
unsigned subscatter : 1
unsigned occlusion : 1


class ILxGeoCacheSurface

Public Functions

LxResult ShaderMaskName(LXtObjectID self, const char **name)

Obtain geo surface shader mask name (for example Surf(ShaderMaskName)).

int ShaderMaskType(LXtObjectID self)

Returns one of LXi_SURF_XXX flags.

LxResult SourceItem(LXtObjectID self, void **ppvObj)

Every surface has a source item. For replicated and instanced surfaces this method will return the source mesh.

int IsInstanced(LXtObjectID self)

Returns 1 if surface is instanced.

int InstanceIndex(LXtObjectID self)

Returns surface instance index, if surface is not instanced the returned value is -1.

LxResult SourceSurface(LXtObjectID self, void **ppvObj)

If geo surface is instanced then it doesn’t contain any geometry segments. This mehtod returns the source geo cache surface which contains the segment data.

LxResult GetBBox(LXtObjectID self, LXtBBox *bbox)

Obtain surface’s bounding box.

LxResult GetXfrm(LXtObjectID self, LXtVector pos, LXtMatrix rot, LXtVector scl, int endpoint)

Return surface’s xform information at given time endpoint (T0 or T1). T0 (=0) is time for shutter open, T1 (=1) is time for shutter close.

void SegmentCount(LXtObjectID self, int *count)

Return how many segments are in this surface.

void PolygonCount(LXtObjectID self, int *count)

Return how many polygons are in this surface.

void VertexCount(LXtObjectID self, int *count)

Return how many vertices are in this surface.

LxResult SegmentAt(LXtObjectID self, int index, void **segment)

Get segment by index

LxResult VisibilityFlags(LXtObjectID self, LXtGeoCacheSrfVisibility *flags)

Return surface visibility flags (visible in camera, etc.)

int ID(LXtObjectID self)

Return surface unique id.

int IsValid(LXtObjectID self)

Return if surface is valid, i.e. not deleted.

LxResult LoadSegments(LXtObjectID self)

Populate geometry segments with vertices and polygons. If surface is already populated this method will do nothing. Use this method when you want to populate geometry cache on-demand.

LxResult UnloadSegments(LXtObjectID self)
ILxTableauVertexID GetVertexDesc(LXtObjectID self)

Return ILxTableauVertexID which can be used to query vertex information.

const char *MaterialPTag(LXtObjectID self)
const char *PartPTag(LXtObjectID self)
const char *PickPTag(LXtObjectID self)
LxResult ShaderLayerCount(LXtObjectID self, unsigned int *count)

Return the number of shader tree layers applicable to this surface.

LxResult ShaderLayerAt(LXtObjectID self, unsigned int index, void **shaderLayer)

Extract the shader tree layer item at the specified index.

bool GetSourceItem(CLxLoc_Item &item)

User Class Only:

bool GetSourceSurface(CLxLoc_GeoCacheSurface &srf)

User Class Only:

bool GetSegment(int index, CLxLoc_GeoCacheSegment &seg)

User Class Only:

bool GetShaderLayer(unsigned int index, CLxLoc_Item &item)

User Class Only: