

Alternate input most notably tablet support can be obtained at any time by checking WManInputAttr(). A common use is to wait for a mouse move or click event, then check WManInputAttr() for pressure, tilt, etc. Currently, only tablet input is defined, but we might wind up defining other types in the future.
















An ILxDrop server can recognize only one kind of source, although the details of that source may be varied. For example, a LXsDROPSOURCE_FILES may represent the path to one or more presets, images, scenes or any other kind of file. The specific source type supported by a server is indicated through server tags.


Here are some common source types. The ones ending in “S” are plurals, and thus are usually an ILxValueArray containing one or more entries. The ones without an “S” suffix are usually represented as single objects, not arrays of objects.

  • FILES An ILxValueArray object with the FILEPATH ExoType, which contains strings representing the paths for each file being dropped (even if it’s only one file). These always represent real files or directories as absolute paths in local format.

  • FILES_SYNTH An ILxValueArray object with the FILEPATH ExoType, which contains strings representing the paths for each file being dropped (even if it’s only one file). Unlike FILES, which only ever includes real files on disk, FILES_SYNTH can include real files, synthetic files (those starting with the path volume “[servername]:” as described in the dir cache docs), and merged files (starting with “#basePathIdent(setName):”, again as described in the dir cache docs). Paths are always absoluete and in local format for file system paths, and neutral format for synthetic and merged paths.

  • COLOR An ILxColor object, which contains the RGB color, the alternate color model (if any) and the color in that model’s space as a string (if any).

  • ITEMS An ILxValueArray object with the ITEM ExoType.

  • CHANNELS An ILxValueArray object with the CHANNEL ExoType.

  • COMMANDS An ILxValueArray of strings representing commands.

  • FORMCONTROLS An ILxValueArray of strings representing form controls and sheets.

A note about FILES and FILES_SYNTH: Since drop servers can support only a single drop source, you only need to support FILES or FILES_SYNTH. If the actual drag source is FILES_SYNTH and you only support FILES, the array you get will contain only non-synthetic and non-merged paths. This makes it easy to add synthetic support, while also avoiding issues with legacy servers that predate FILES_SYNTH.








The user can prioritize which drop actions are associated with which modifier key combinations through the Drop Mapping viewport. The list of available actions for this view is read from the LXsDROP_ACTIONS server tag. All actions that may appear in the dropover should be included in this tag, as only actions exposed in this way can be associated with modifier keys. Although actions not in the tag may still appear in the dropover, they will never have modifier keys associated with them and can never be the deafult drop action, so you really should always include them so that the user can make that decision themselves.


class ILxDrop

ILxDrop allows servers to provide arbtirary behaviors when a drag and drop operation matches a specific combination of source and destination COM interfaces. If the user has chosen one of these behaviors (often from a popover that appears when the user hovers the mouse during a drag and drop operation), ILxDrop is asked to perform it.

Public Functions

LxResult Recognize(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID source)

The Recognize() method is called soon after the server is instanced. It is only called once per drag and drop cycle, and is used to perform any possibly expensive setup and verification of the source, such as scanning file headers. This information can be cached in your server for use in ActionList(), Preview() and Drop(), rather than recomputing state in those functions. If the source was recognized, this should return LXe_OK. Any failure code will be treated as though the source was not recognized, and the server will not be called any more for this drag and drop cycle.

LxResult ActionList(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID source, LXtObjectID dest, LXtObjectID addDropAction)

ActionList() is where you add your actions to the dropover. This method is called frequently (ie: when dragging the mouse around the screen), and should be fast. It is provided with thtrr COM objects: the source data being dragged, the destination, and an ILxAddDropAction object with which you can add your actions to the dropover. The destination may contain arbitrary interfaces depending on what is under the mouse, included interfaces that your server doesn’t support. It is best to check the destination interfaces first before doing anything else so that you can exit quickly if you can’t support drops here. The source will be of the type the server indicated in its tags, but it may contain additional interfaces, and should be queried as appropriate before trying to use it. If the server can find interfaces that it supports on both the source and destination objects, it should call ILxAddDropAction::AddAction() on the provided object for each drop action it would like to register. An arbitrary number of actions can be registered, but the action codes must match those defined by the server’s ACTIONNAMES server tag.

LxResult Preview(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID source, LXtObjectID dest, int action, LXtObjectID draw)

901 introduces the Preview() method. Some targets provide objects that can be used by the server to drop the mark point. This can be as simple changing the location fo a drop marker drawn by the target (say, changing whre the drop marker is drawn in a tree view), to complete custom drawing by the server in a GL view (say, to draw a bounding box representation of a mesh preset in the 3D view). If an action in your server is the best match for the current mouse/modifier combo and the target provides a destination interface (as determiend by which modifier keys are down and the Drop Mappings set up in the prefernces), your Preview() method will be called. If you return LXe_NOTIMPL, the target will do its own default drawing. Otherwise, you are expected to do your own drawing with the draw object provided. The exact interfaces available are determined by the target, so you will have to query for the ones you want to see if they are available. The draw object is expected to have the ILxDropPreviewDefault interface, which may allow you to force the default drawing in addition to your own drawing, athough in some case default drawing and custom drawing are mutually exclusive (such as in tree panes).

LxResult Drop(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID source, LXtObjectID dest, int action)

The Drop() method is called to actually perform the drop itself. The server is expected to take apply the source object using information obtained through the destination’s interfaces. The specific action to apply is provided through the action argument, and is one of those that was added by the Recognize() method’s


class ILxDrop1

This interface was retired in modo 901, and was replaced with an updated one that adds new methods.

Public Functions

LxResult Recognize(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID source)
LxResult ActionList(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID source, LXtObjectID dest, LXtObjectID addDropAction)
LxResult Drop(LXtObjectID self, LXtObjectID source, LXtObjectID dest, int action)


class ILxAddDropAction

An object with this interface is used by ILxDrop to add new behaviors to the action list.

Public Functions

LxResult AddAction(LXtObjectID self, int action, const char *message)

This method is called during by ILxDrop servers during their ActionList() method to add new behaviors to drop hover popover. The ILxDrop server should call this once for each action it wishes to add. Actions are identified by a server-specific action code (which can be anything the server desires, but is expected to match those in the ACTIONNAMES tag), as well as a label in the form of a “@table@message” message string for display in the hover popover. This label can also be a dynamically generated string, thus allowing for things like “Move 3 Files” that provide more useful information to the user about what the drop will do.

LxResult Peek(LXtObjectID self, void **ppvObj)

This method can be used to obtain a “peek” at the destination object to more accurately determine which actions to add to the list. This only works when inside the ILxDrop server’s ActionList() method, and is somewhat redundant since that method is passed the destination anyway. Although this is a peek, the caller is still responsible for freeing the returned object.


class ILxDropPreviewDefault

An object with this interface (and others) is passed to ILxDrop::Preview() so that clients can ask the view to draw a default drop marker.

Public Functions

LxResult Draw(LXtObjectID self)

Calling this method tells the target to draw its default drop marker. You can call this instead of or in addition to your own drawing. Rreturning LXe_NOTIMPL from your ILxDrop::Preview() will also trigger default drawing.


class ILxDropService

The global ILxDropService provides a way for clients that don’t have direct access to the ILxDrop server to access the destination and source objects. This is primarily for scripts associated with drop servers. For example, a script embedded in a preset can be launched by the ILxDrop server, and the script can determine what to do based on the destination object. Note that all of these are only gauranteed to be implemented for an actual drop, and not necessarily during a drag.

Public Functions

LxResult ScriptQuery(LXtObjectID self, void **ppvObj)

As with all globals, the first method gets the ILxScriptQueryID interface for the system. However, it is not implemented for ILxDropService.

LxResult Destination(LXtObjectID self, void **ppvObj)

This returns the current destination object, failing if there is none. The object must be released when no longer needed.

LxResult Source(LXtObjectID self, const char **sourceType, void **ppvObj)

This returns the current source type and source object. While a source can expose multiple source types and objects, this is the specific source type (as an LXsDROPSOURCE_ define) and object representing the drop in progress. The object must be released when no longer needed.

LxResult Action(LXtObjectID self, const char **serverName, int *actionCode)

During a drop, this returns the name of the drop server and the action code of the server. Scripts associated with the drop server can use knowledge of that server’s action codes to perform specific drop actions (add vs. replace, say).