

Servers are expected to expose tags that define their viewport type. These allow them to show up as first-class viewports. Without these tags, no viewport will be defined for the server.




class ILxTreeView

This interace defines a TreeView client, which is able to use Python calls (or whatever) to set up a TreeView-based interface. Objects with the ILxTreeView interface rely on the ILxTree interface as well. If both aren’t available, no viewport will be defined for that server.

Public Functions

LxResult StoreState(LXtObjectID self, const char *uid)

  • TYPE This tag consists of four space-delimited strings:

  • The class of the viewport, mostly for organizational purposes. Options include: vp3dEdit, vptoolbars, vpproperties, vpdataLists, vpinfo, vpeditors, vputility, and vpapplication.

  • Exactly four characters representing the viewport’s type as an LXtID4.

  • An internal string representing the viewport’s type as a name.

  • A message table lookup in the form of “@table@message@” For example: “vpapplication MYVP myViewportTypeName @myViewportTypeTable@myViewportTypeUsername@”

  • EMBEDABILITY Determines how the viewport can be embedded into a Form View. Thre are three options:

  • ”normal”, which is the default mode if this tag isn’t set, indicates that the viewport doesn’t specifically support embedding. These can still be embedded via viewport presets, but they may not display properly.

  • ”embedAware”, meaning that the viewport knows how to handle embedding.

  • ”embedOnly”, meaning the viewport can only be embedded and cannot be used in normal layouts.

  • OPTIONS_FORM A string representing the hash of a form to display when the user clicks the gear widget for the viewport. If not set, there are no options for the viewport. These methods are called to load or save any per-instance state for the pane provided. Such state is commonly stored in the application’s config.

LxResult RestoreState(LXtObjectID self, const char *uid)
LxResult StyleHints(LXtObjectID self, int *flags)

Note that the above flags MUST match the ICTSf_ (comp) and TPSTYLEf_ (panes) flags!

LxResult ColumnCount(LXtObjectID self, unsigned *colCount)

These methods are used for controlling what columns are present in the tree view and some of their properties. ColumnCount() returns the total number of columns.

LxResult ColumnByIndex(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len, int *columnWidth)

This method defines the column and sets its title and width. ‘buf’ is a simple character buffer of length ‘len’ that is to be set to the human-readable title displayed in the column header, usually in the form of a “@table@msg” message table lokoup. Titles support message alternates, where the longest of the available messages that will fit is displayed in the title. The longest title is also displed in the hide/show column context menu (when you’ve also set an internal name with ColumnSetInternalName()). For this reason you should not encode icons in your title, instead specifying them separately via ColumnSetIconResource(); ‘columnWidth’ returns the width of the column. Positive numbers define the width in pixels, while negative numbers will set a column’s width to its relative fraction of the total remaining space. For example, two columns with widths -2 and -3 would get 2/5th and 3/5th of the width remaining in the pane after the fixed width columns are subtracted. A width of zero behaves the same as -1.

LxResult ColumnInternalName(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)

nexus 10.1 introduces new column defintions that enchance the behavior of trees:

  • Defining any column icon separately from the title.

  • Column widths are remembered for you between sessions in the config.

  • The user can hide and show columns by right clicking in the column header.

  • The user can drag and drop the column headers to reorder the columns.

  • Column justification. The internal name is used to store the column properties in the config in a localization-netural manner. This includes the column width, column position relative to the other columns, and if the column is hidden or visible. It is very important that you set this for every column, or else you won’t get any of those features.

LxResult ColumnIconResource(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)

An optional icon resource name can also be set for the column. This will be displayed in place of the column’s title if the column is too narrow for it to fit. The icon should be 13x13 pixels.

LxResult ColumnJustification(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, int *justification)
LxResult PrimaryColumnPosition(LXtObjectID self, unsigned *index)

The final method of the treeview setup functionality is PrimaryColumnPosition. This allows you to change where in the treeview the primary column (the one with index 0 that contains the nesting) is displayed. 0 leaves it where it is, and other number pushing it that number of columns to the right.

LxResult ToPrimary(LXtObjectID self)

Selection methods. ToPrimary should set the current referenced item to be the primary selection, and IsSelected returns LXe_TRUE or LXe_FALSE to determine whether the current item is selected or not. Select is called when a new primary selection is made (dropping any current selection)first, or when additional selections are added or removed. It is up to the client to maintain the list of selected items. Batch begin and end events are sent to the Select() method to wrap multiple ADD or REMOVE events, which commonly happens when range selecting by holding shift and clicking on an element. MAKE_TOPMOST is a request to make the selection type topmost without changing the selection itself. This is most useful when mutliple trees use the same underlying select type but different selection subtypes, and you want to make sure that commands are operating on the correct tree’s selection.

LxResult IsSelected(LXtObjectID self)
LxResult Select(LXtObjectID self, unsigned mode)
LxResult CellCommand(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)

Command cells are a powerful feature for both defining the contents of a cell and for interacting with it. Since all user interaction with a tree should be done with commands, it makes sense to use the command to define the cell itself. CellCommand() and BatchCommand() are similar, with the former providing a command string unique to that one cell, while the other provides a command that applies to the entire selection. Often these are the same command, such as “item.visible state:? item:itemIdentHere” for the cell command, where the optional “item” argument is used to taret a specific row of the tree, while the batch command omits the “item” argument as “item.visible state:?” and thus applies to all selected rows. In both cases the command returned should have an argument makred for query. CellCommand() will figure out what kind of behaviors are supported by the cell based on the datatype of the argument. Interacting with the cell executes the command with the new value, much like how forms work. The following datatypes are currently supported for command cells:

  • boolean Draw a checkmark in the cell. Clicking the cell toggles the checkmark. The user can also click and drag down a column of these checkmarks to toggle multiple rows in a single action.

  • numeric (integer, float, etc) This includes all numeric variants (such as percent, distance, etc), and will create a cell with a minislider. Clicking and dragging in the cell will change the value, and clicking without dragging will open an inline edit field to enter a new value.

  • string Draws a string. Clicking in the cell opens an inline edit field to change the value.

  • popups If a string or integer cell defines a popup (either via popup methods or LXtTextValueHints), the cell will be drawn with a popup widget and clicking the cell will open the popup.

  • asyncmonitor A special cell type that draws an asynchronous progress monitor. Since these are commands, the cell values are automatically update when the command’s notifier sends a VALUE invalidation. The value displayed in a cell can be overriden by returning an appropraite string from the ILxAttributes interface. However, normally you want the value from the command itself to be used, in which case the attributes should return NOTIMPL so that the command’s queried value is used instead.

LxResult BatchCommand(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult ToolTip(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)

The ToolTip() methodcan be implemented to populate a tooltip string for the curent cell.

LxResult DescriptionText(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)

Description text is optional smaller text displayed below the main text in a cell, usually providing secondary information like the path to a file or image resolution.

LxResult ShowDescriptionText(LXtObjectID self)

This should return LXe_TRUE (or NOTIMPL) if the description text should be shown for the entire view, and false to hide it.

LxResult ReservedSpaceForIcons(LXtObjectID self, int *columnIndex, int *width, int *height, int *iconAsValue)

This sets if the tree supports icons. Icons are defined through image resources, and space is resreved for them even if no icon is returned, ensuring that everything lines up nicely. By convention icons are 13x13, but other sizes can be chosen, and each column can have its own icon metrics. If iconAsValue is true, the icon will be drawn centered as the entire contents of the cell.

LxResult IconResource(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, int width, int height, char *buf, unsigned len)

Get the icon by returning a string representing its resource name. If the icon is larger than the width and height requested, it will simply not be drawn.

LxResult ReservedSpaceForThumbnails(LXtObjectID self, int *columnIndex, int *width, int *height)

This sets if the tree supports thumbnails, reserving space for them and causing the tree to be asked for thumbnails to display. Note that only one column can have thumbnails at this time. Setting w/h to 0/0 will effectively turn off thumbnail support.

LxResult Thumbnail(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, int width, int height, void **ppvObj, char *buf, unsigned len)

If space is reserved for a thumbnail, this method is called to return it as an ILxImageID. The thumbnail is drawn to the immediate left of the cell’s contents. Optimally, the thumbnail is already the correct resolution or smaller. If it is larger, by default it will be synchronously resized to fit, but this is slow and should be avoided if at all possible. The buf/len pair is used to get an identifier string to identify the thumbnail. This is only necessariy if you want the tree system to efficiently resize the thumbnail for you. If this string is empty, the thumbanil will be slowly resized (or not at all, if it’s equal to or smaller than requested size). When the string is not empty, large thumbnails will be asynchronously resized in the background to fit the reserved space. If a thumbnail with this string already exists in the cache, the ILxImageID returned is ignored and the cached one is used instead. Multiple entries in the tree can use the same thumbnail (by using the same string) if desired. If you are always returning icons at the requested size or smaller, you do not need to provide an identifier string, as the image can be used directly.

LxResult BadgeType(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned badgeIndex, unsigned *badgeType)
LxResult BadgeType2(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned badgeIndex, unsigned *badgeType)
LxResult BadgeDetail(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned badgeIndex, unsigned badgeDetail, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult IsInputRegion(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned regionID)

This is used by trees containing an input map based regions. If the given cell corresponds to a region at this location, the function should return LXe_TRUE. This allows regions to be restricted to specific items, types and/or columns. Selection and command execution will automatically be performed as necessary.

LxResult SupportedDragDropSourceTypes(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult GetDragDropSourceObject(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, const char *type, void **ppvObj)
LxResult GetDragDropDestinationObject(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned location, void **ppvObj)
LxResult IsDescendantSelected(LXtObjectID self)

The following method is entirely optional. Descendant selection highlighting will still work if this is not implemented, but if this IS implemented the treeview will be significantly more responsive. This should return true if the current node or any of it’s children is currently selected, or false otherwise.

LxResult CanFilter(LXtObjectID self)

  • SHOW The element matched the filter, and should be shown in the tree.

  • HIDE The element did not match the filter, and will not be shown in the tree.

  • SHOW_IF_CHILDREN_MATCH The element will be shown if it has the SHOW flag, or if any of its children also match the filter. This allows a parent to be visible if a child matches but the parent itself does not. This is only true for immediate children; grandchildren will also need to set this flag if their parents should be visible if they are visible. This is usually paired with the HIDE flag.

  • SHOW_WITH_ALL_CHILDREN If the element is shown (due to SHOW or SHOW_IF_CHILDREN_MATCH), then its immediate children will be shown as though they matched the filter. This affects the entire hiearchy from this point down.

LxResult Filter(LXtObjectID self, int *flags)


This returns some style hints of the tree by returning a combination of flags.

  • SECTIONS Root-level entries in the tree hierarchy will be drawn as section headers that span all columns. Clicking anywhere on the section row will act as though its children where hidden/shown. The label for the section comes from the value of the hierarchy column.

  • CHILDREN Indicates that the tree may have children. This simply reserves space for the hide/show (aka “disclosure triangle” widget in the tree. If you don’t have any children, you can save space by omitting this flag.

  • ATTRIBUTES Similar to children, this reservces space for the +/- widgets to hide/show attributes of an item.

By default CHILDREN and ATTRIBUTES are set.





This changes the justfication of the contents of the column. The primary column is always left justified, but the other columns can be centered or right justified if desired.















There are two ways to defined badges, through a simple set of presets and a more robust set of flags. There are 4 different preset badge types supported by ILxTreeView: Info badges, which are simply there or not in order to indicate state, toggle badges which can be on or off and are togglable through user selection, action badges that are used to perform an action on the cell, and star rating badges. BadgeType returns the badge preset badge we’re dealing with with an incrementing badgeIndex. Returning zero indicates there are no further badges for the current cell.

  • INFO An informational badge with a static image. These are always drawn with the icon you provide.


  • TOGGLE_OFF A badge that can be toggled on or off with a click. These are always drawn with the on or off icons you provide.

  • ACTION A badge that is clicked on to perform an action. These are only drawn with the icon you provide when the mouse is over the cell.

  • RATING Star ratings badges. When the mouse is off the cell, the current rating (1 to 5 stars) are drawn. Moving the mouse over the cell shows all the stars so the user can click to change the rating.






Instead of using presets, you can use this newer method to more directly configure your badges by combining a series of flags. Notable customizations include allowing the value of the badge can be found automatically by querying the command associated with it, hidding badges, and hiding toggle badges when they are in their off state. Being flags, these are all “LXf” defines instead of “LXi” defines. The basic types are as above. One of these flags must always be set.

  • INFO An informational badge with a static image. These are always drawn with the icon you provide.

  • TOGGLE A badge that can be toggled on or off with a click. These are always drawn with the on or off icons you provide. Set the IS_ON flag if you want the toggle to be drawn in the “on” state.

  • ACTION A badge that is clicked on to perform an action. These are only drawn with the icon you provide when the mouse is over the cell.

  • RATING Star ratings badges. When the mouse is off the cell, the current rating (1 to 5 stars) are drawn. Moving the mouse over the cell shows all the stars so the user can click to change the rating.

You can also define one badge as drawing immediately to the right of the label:

  • SPECIAL This badge is specially drawn immediately to the right of the label. Only one badge can have this flag set. All other badges are drawn on the right edge of the cell.

You can also decide if the badge should be visible or not:

  • IS_VISIBLE Show the badge. It can be useful to hide badges that don’t make apply for a given cell while using the same badge indices for all cells. You’ll usually want to set this flag, or else your badge won’t be drawn.

  • IS_VISIBLE_WHEN_OFF Show a toggle badge when it is off and the mouse is not over the cell. By default, toggles are always drawn even iin their off state.

Finally, the command associated with the badge can be automatically queried for its value:

  • VALUE_FROM_QUERY When this is set, the badge’s command is quered for its value, and that (integer or boolean) value is used to for the star rating or to decide if a toggle is on or off.










If a badge is defined for the current cell and badgeIndex combination, BadgeDetail is then called to obtain information about that badge. ICON_ON and ICON_OFF should return a reference to the relevant 14x14 icons to be used by the badge. Action should return a command string that is executed when the user clicks the badge. In the case of a star badge this should be a query command that returns an integer indicating the star rating.





The following methods implement the new ILxDrop approach to drag and drop functionality. Details of the ILxDrop system can be found in awin_sdk.html SupportedDragDropSourceTypes returns a space-seperated string of source type tags supported by the identified cell, with the GetDragDrop methods providing the source and destination COM objects for the ILxDrop system. The drop location will be one of the following, depending if the drop is on, before or after this item in the tree. If the drop is in the dead space after all of the items in the tree, then the location will be set to DEADSPACE isntad.





Filtering can be applied to the tree. The tree object does the filtering itself, but by going into the filtering mode it tells the tree view to do some specific behaviors to help make entries more visible. Filtering is applied whenever CanFilter() returns true on the root node during a rebuild (ie: NewShape() event). Wehn CanFilter() returns true, each element of the tree has its Filter() method called. The results of filtering are stored by the tree object via the SetItemState() method through the LXfTREEITEM_FITLER_ flags, and are retrieved by the tree view via ItemState() (see those methods in the IKxTreeView docs for more information). Filter() returns a combination of the following for each item:






class ILxTreeView3

This interface was retired in after 11.0v1, and was replaced with an updated one that adds the style support.

Public Functions

LxResult StoreState(LXtObjectID self, const char *uid)
LxResult RestoreState(LXtObjectID self, const char *uid)
LxResult ColumnCount(LXtObjectID self, unsigned *colCount)
LxResult ColumnByIndex(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len, int *columnWidth)
LxResult ColumnInternalName(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult ColumnIconResource(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult ColumnJustification(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, int *justification)
LxResult PrimaryColumnPosition(LXtObjectID self, unsigned *index)
LxResult ToPrimary(LXtObjectID self)
LxResult IsSelected(LXtObjectID self)
LxResult Select(LXtObjectID self, unsigned mode)
LxResult CellCommand(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult BatchCommand(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult ToolTip(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult BadgeType(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned badgeIndex, unsigned *badgeType)
LxResult BadgeDetail(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned badgeIndex, unsigned badgeDetail, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult IsInputRegion(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned regionID)
LxResult SupportedDragDropSourceTypes(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult GetDragDropSourceObject(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, const char *type, void **ppvObj)
LxResult GetDragDropDestinationObject(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned location, void **ppvObj)
LxResult IsDescendantSelected(LXtObjectID self)


class ILxTreeView2

This interface was retired in after 10.1v2, and was replaced with an updated one that adds the IsDependentSelected method, allowing for more efficient implementations.

Public Functions

LxResult StoreState(LXtObjectID self, const char *uid)
LxResult RestoreState(LXtObjectID self, const char *uid)
LxResult ColumnCount(LXtObjectID self, unsigned *colCount)
LxResult ColumnByIndex(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len, int *columnWidth)
LxResult ColumnInternalName(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult ColumnIconResource(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult ColumnJustification(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, int *justification)
LxResult PrimaryColumnPosition(LXtObjectID self, unsigned *index)
LxResult ToPrimary(LXtObjectID self)
LxResult IsSelected(LXtObjectID self)
LxResult Select(LXtObjectID self, unsigned mode)
LxResult CellCommand(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult BatchCommand(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult ToolTip(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult BadgeType(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned badgeIndex, unsigned *badgeType)
LxResult BadgeDetail(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned badgeIndex, unsigned badgeDetail, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult IsInputRegion(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned regionID)
LxResult SupportedDragDropSourceTypes(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult GetDragDropSourceObject(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, const char *type, void **ppvObj)
LxResult GetDragDropDestinationObject(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned location, void **ppvObj)


class ILxTreeView1

This interface was retired in after 901, and was replaced with an updated one that adds drop position.

Public Functions

LxResult StoreState(LXtObjectID self, const char *uid)
LxResult RestoreState(LXtObjectID self, const char *uid)
LxResult ColumnCount(LXtObjectID self, unsigned *colCount)
LxResult ColumnByIndex(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len, int *columnWidth)
LxResult ToPrimary(LXtObjectID self)
LxResult IsSelected(LXtObjectID self)
LxResult Select(LXtObjectID self, unsigned mode)
LxResult CellCommand(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult BatchCommand(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult ToolTip(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult BadgeType(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned badgeIndex, unsigned *badgeType)
LxResult BadgeDetail(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned badgeIndex, unsigned badgeDetail, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult IsInputRegion(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, unsigned regionID)
LxResult SupportedDragDropSourceTypes(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult GetDragDropSourceObject(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, const char *type, void **ppvObj)
LxResult GetDragDropDestinationObject(LXtObjectID self, unsigned columnIndex, void **ppvObj)