

class ILxSceneContents

ILxSceneContents stores item type, names and bounding box in the scene file.

Public Functions

LxResult Item(LXtObjectID self, unsigned int type, const char *internal_name, const char *user_name)

This adds a new item container with type, internal name and user name.

LxResult SetBBox(LXtObjectID self, double min_X, double min_Y, double min_Z, double max_X, double max_Y, double max_Z)

Set the bounding box to the last item container.

LxResult AddLink(LXtObjectID self, unsigned int type, const char *internal_name, const char *user_name)

Set an item to link to the last item container.

unsigned int Count(LXtObjectID self)

This returns the number of values currently in the container.

LxResult InternalName(LXtObjectID self, unsigned int index, char *buf, unsigned len)

These get names out of the container.

LxResult UserName(LXtObjectID self, unsigned int index, char *buf, unsigned len)
LxResult BBox(LXtObjectID self, unsigned int index, LXtBBox *box)

This gets bounding box from the container given by the index.

LxResult Type(LXtObjectID self, unsigned int index, unsigned int *type)

This gets item type from the container given by the index.

LxResult ByInternalName(LXtObjectID self, const char *internal_name, unsigned int *index)

These returns the index of the first container with the given name. If there is no container with the name, it returns LXe_OK, otherwise LXe_NOTFOUND.

LxResult ByUserName(LXtObjectID self, const char *user_name, unsigned int *index)
LxResult Reset(LXtObjectID self)

Free all item containers.

unsigned int LinkCount(LXtObjectID self, unsigned int index)

This returns the number of links in the item given by the index.


class ILxProxyOptions

ILxProxyOptions interface allows the mesh proxy system to load only parts of the scene. The methods would be called before loading the scene to alter how it loads.

Public Functions

LxResult LoadList(LXtObjectID self)

Set the loader to only parses the LXO file and return a list of the item names it contains.

LxResult LoadNone(LXtObjectID self)

Set the loader to load not items. This is a prelude to selecting the items to load.

LxResult AddItem(LXtObjectID self, unsigned int type, const char *internal_name, const char *user_name)

Add an item to the set of items to load

LxResult SetFlags(LXtObjectID self, unsigned int flags)

Set flags about the proxy item loading to the loader.