

Vertex feature categories indicate the context where the feature is expected to be valid. Currently that just surfaces and particles.



A vector type can in theory be any string of unique character codes, but these are the most common and most likely supported.







class ILxTableauVertex

Public Functions

LxResult AddFeature(LXtObjectID self, LXtID4 type, const char *name, unsigned int *index)

A tableau vertex object encodes information about the structure of the vertex data for sampling elements. Shaders and the renderer negotiate for the features they want from the element. These are added to the vertex object and are given offsets into the master vector. Once set, the vector can be queried for its total size, and for the offsets of each of the selected vertex features.

LxResult Lookup(LXtObjectID self, LXtID4 type, const char *name, unsigned int *offset)
unsigned int Size(LXtObjectID self)
unsigned int Count(LXtObjectID self)
LxResult ByIndex(LXtObjectID self, unsigned int index, LXtID4 *type, const char **name, unsigned int *offset)
int NewFeature(LXtID4 type, const char *name)

User Class Only:

int GetOffset(LXtID4 type, const char *name)

User Class Only:


class ILxVertexFeatureService

The vertex feature service provides methods for interrogating features.

Public Functions

LxResult ScriptQuery(LXtObjectID self, void **ppvObj)
LxResult AllocVertex(LXtObjectID self, void **ppvObj)

Get a new, empty TableauVertex object.

LxResult Lookup(LXtObjectID self, LXtID4 type, const char *name, const char **ident)

This gets the ident string for a vertex feature given the type and (optional) name.

LxResult Type(LXtObjectID self, const char *ident, LXtID4 *type)

Given the ident the various attributes of the feature can be read.

LxResult Name(LXtObjectID self, const char *ident, const char **name)
LxResult Dimension(LXtObjectID self, const char *ident, unsigned *dimension)
LxResult VectorType(LXtObjectID self, const char *ident, const char **vecType)
LxResult DataType(LXtObjectID self, const char *ident, const char **typeName)
LxResult TestCategory(LXtObjectID self, const char *ident, const char *category)