Source code for nukescripts.localisationprefs

Code for handling changes in the localization default in the preferences
and applying that as knob defaults on Read nodes.

import nuke_internal as nuke
from PySide2.QtCore import QTimer

# Name of the localisation policy prefs knob
kLocalizationPolicyDefaultKnob = "LocalizationPolicyDefault"

[docs]def updateReadKnobLocalisationDefaults(value): """ Set the knob defaults for the nodes with the cacheLocal knob. """ nuke.knobDefault("localizationPolicy", value)
[docs]def onPrefsKnobChanged(): """ Callback from the preferences node. If the default localisation policy has changed, update it on the read nodes. """ knob = nuke.thisKnob() if == kLocalizationPolicyDefaultKnob: updateReadKnobLocalisationDefaults(knob.value())
[docs]def initCallbacks(): """ Get the default localisation policy from the preferences node and set up the knob changed callback. """ prefsNode = nuke.toNode("preferences") knob = prefsNode.knob(kLocalizationPolicyDefaultKnob) updateReadKnobLocalisationDefaults(knob.value()) nuke.addKnobChanged(onPrefsKnobChanged, node=prefsNode)
# This script is imported before the prefs node is loaded. To ensure we get # the correct initial value for the localisation policy, use a QTimer to defer # initialisation. initCallbacks will be called once the Qt event loop is # running. QTimer.singleShot(0, initCallbacks)