디 포머 적용

Modo대상을 변형하는 방법에 대한 지침과 변형 대상을 결정하는 영향에 대한 지침을 제공하는 이펙터를 적용하여 주로 항목을 변형합니다. 대상 항목을 선택한 다음 도구 상자에서 디 포머를 클릭하면 항목에 디 포머를 적용하면 자동으로 요소가 서로 연결됩니다.

에 수동으로 요소를 추가하는 것이 좋습니다 Deformers 뷰포트를 통해 Schematic 전망.

특정 변형 자에 대한 주제를 보려면 아래의 링크를 클릭하십시오.

디 포머

큐브 아이콘

벤드 이펙터

The Bend Effector, when assigned to an item, deforms the object in a curving or arcing fashion.

Sphere Icon

베 지어 이펙터

The Bezier Deformer is an excellent way to apply deformations in a continuously smooth manner. This can be extremely useful for long tube-like structures (such as tentacles, tails, and whips).

곡선 구속 효과기

그만큼 Curve Constraint Effector 근처 정점을 끌어서 정의 된 곡선을 따라 가장 가까운 위치로 제한합니다.

Capsule Icon

Lag Effector

The Lag Effector, when assigned to an item, deforms the object along a directional vector that is determined by the target item's animation. (Essentially, it is deformed along the direction it is traveling.)

Sphere Icon

Lattice Effector

The Lattice Effector, when assigned, creates a structured array of points across the mesh like a cage. You can move each individual vertex of this cage to deform the underlying mesh. Modo smoothly interpolates the deformation between the vertex locations.

Sphere Icon

Magnet Effector

The Magnet Effector, when assigned to an item, draws points within its defined range toward the center of the magnet, itself.

Sphere Icon

Rotation Effector

The Rotation Effector, when assigned to an item, rotates the target item. You can link it to rigging and can control it through the Schematic view links when combined with the various modifiers because it is an item with channels.

Sphere Icon

Slack Effector

The Slack Effector, when assigned to an item, deforms the target as if it were suspended between two points.

Sphere Icon

Spline Effector

Use the Spline Deformer to apply deformations in a continuously smooth manner. This can be extremely useful for long tube-like structures (such as tentacles, tails, and whips).

Sphere Icon

Transform Effector

The Transform Effector, when assigned to an item, moves, rotates, or scales the target item. You can link it to rigging and can control it through the Schematic view links when combined with the various modifiers because it is an item with channels.

Sphere Icon

Vortex Effector

The Vortex Effector, when assigned to an item, deforms the object in twisting motions. It has Decay options to provide a spinning-tornado type of deformation to the target item.


캡슐 아이콘

일반적인 영향

With the General Influence you can assign any vertex tagging methods to define a grouping of vertices for the deformer to influence. This limits their application to specific user-defined areas of a mesh (or the entire mesh).

캡슐 아이콘

아이템 영향

Use an Item Influence when a rigid item needs to stay in the proper position relative to a deforming surface or when multiple items need to transform in a uniform way (such as a tower of spheres that bends around on itself).

캡슐 아이콘

MDD 영향

Daisuke Ino developed MDD files during his work on a dynamics engine built as a plug-in to a host 3D application. These files are a simple point cache that stores a location in space for every vertex in a model for every frame in the animation.

구 아이콘

몰프 영향

With morph maps you can save alternate user-defined deformations for any mesh. To animate any morph map, you must first apply a morph deformer to the model.

푸시 영향

푸시 영향은 정점을 평균 법선을 따라 밀어서 지오메트리를 변형시킵니다.

Sphere Icon

Wrap Influence

With the Wrap Influence, you can create a custom, low-resolution cage as a proxy to deform the associated mesh. Typically, the cage approximates the shape of the target mesh layer to make it easier to manipulate and control.