Check for multiple views in files when a read node is created, by looking for a VIEW_NAMES entry in the node’s metadata. Most file types won’t specify views but EXR/SXR and potentially other files may do. Registers for callbacks when a Read node is created, or its ‘file’ knob is changed. If there are multiple views, and they do not exist on the root node, the user is asked if they should be created.
Check if a read has multiple views, and if so, ask the user if they want to add them to the root node. |
Add the views in a list to the root node. |
Attempt to get the views from a read node's metadata. |
Callback when a Read node is created. |
Callback when a Read node knob changes. |
__init__(self) -> None __init__(self, arg__1: Sequence[str]) -> None |
__init__(self, icon: PySide6.QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Icon, title: str, text: str, buttons: PySide6.QtWidgets.QMessageBox.StandardButton = Instance(QMessageBox.StandardButton.NoButton), parent: Optional[PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget] = None, flags: PySide6.QtCore.Qt.WindowType = Instance(Qt.Dialog | Qt.MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint)) -> None __init__(self, parent: Optional[PySide6.QtWidgets.QWidget] = None) -> None |
__init__(self, parent: Optional[PySide6.QtCore.QObject] = None) -> None |