The O_Solver plug-in defines the geometric relationship between the two views in the input images (that is, the camera relationship or solve). This is necessary if you want to use DisparityGenerator, VectorGenerator, or VerticalAligner down the tree.
Inputs and Controls
Connection Type |
Connection Name |
Function |
Camera |
A pretracked Nuke stereo camera that describes the camera setup used to shoot the Source image. This can be a camera you have tracked with the CameraTracker node or imported to Nuke from a third-party camera tracking application. This input is optional. |
Ignore |
A mask that specifies areas to ignore during the feature detection and analysis. This can be useful if an area in the Source image is producing incorrectly matched features. This input is optional. |
Source |
A stereo pair of images. These can either be the images you want to work on, or another pair of images shot with the same camera setup. |
Control (UI) |
Knob (Scripting) |
Default Value |
Function |
O_Solver Tab |
Views to Use |
viewPair |
Dependent on source |
Sets the two views you want to use to calculate the features and the camera relationship. These views are mapped for the left and right eye. |
Analysis |
Analysis Key |
analysisKeyframe |
0 |
Displays set keyframes from which O_Solver does the feature matching and analysis. The solves for all other frames are created by interpolating between the results on the keyframes on either side. |
Add Key |
addAnalysisKey |
N/A |
Click to add an analysis keyframe at the current frame. |
Delete Key |
deleteAnalysisKey |
N/A |
Click to delete an analysis keyframe at the current frame. |
Delete All |
deleteAnalysisKeys |
N/A |
Click to delete all analysis keyframes. |
Single Solve From All Keys |
singleSolve |
disabled |
When enabled, O_Solver calculates a single solve using all the keyframes you have set. Use this for rigs that don’t change over time to get more accurate results than when using a single keyframe. |
Features |
Mask |
ignore |
None |
Set the mask type to exclude areas of the sequence: • None - none of the footage is ignored. • Source Alpha - use the alpha channel of the source clip to define which areas to ignore. • Source Inverted Alpha - use the inverted alpha channel of the source clip to define which areas to ignore. • Mask Luminance - use the luminance of the Mask input to define which areas to ignore. • Mask Inverted Luminance - use the inverted luminance of the Mask input to define which areas to ignore. • Mask Alpha - use the Mask input alpha channel to define which areas to ignore. • Mask Inverted Alpha - use the inverted Mask input alpha channel to define which areas to ignore. |
Number |
numberFeatures |
1000 |
Sets the number of features to detect in each image and match between views. |
Threshold |
featureThreshold |
0 |
Sets the threshold to select features in an image. Use a high value to select prominent points. Use a low value to spread features out across the image. |
Separation |
featureSeparation |
2 |
Sets a required feature separation to force detected features to cover the image. It is important that the features do not cluster together. If you set Display to Keyframe Matches and see that this is the case, try increasing this value. |
Display |
Display |
displayType |
Nothing |
Sets the display mode: • Nothing - only show the Source image. • Keyframe Matches - show the features and matches for the camera relationship calculation in a Viewer overlay. • Preview Alignment - Preview how well the calculated feature matches describe the alignment of the stereo camera. |
Alignment Method |
alignmentMethod |
Vertical Skew |
Sets the alignment method to use to align the views when Display is set to Preview Alignment: • Vertical Skew - align the features along the y axis using a skew. This does not move the features along the x axis. • Perspective Warp - do a four-corner warp on the images to align them on the y axis. This may move the features slightly along the x axis. • Rotation - align the features vertically by rotating the entire image around a point. The centre of the rotation is determined by the algorithm. • Scale - align the features vertically by scaling the image. • Simple Shift - align the features vertically by moving the entire image up or down. • Scale Rotate - align the features vertically by simultaneously scaling and rotating the entire image around a point. The centre of the rotation is determined by the algorithm. • Camera Rotation - align the features by first performing a 3D rotation of both cameras so that they have exactly the same orientation and a parallel viewing axis, and then reconverging the views to provide the original convergence. For best results, use the Camera input to provide the information for the shooting cameras. |
Match Offset |
offset |
100 |
Sets offset (in pixels) applied to the aligned feature matches. You can: • increase this value to artificially increase the disparity, so it’s easier to see how horizontal the feature matches are. Any matches that aren’t horizontal can be considered poor matches and deleted manually. • decrease this value to set the disparity of particular matches to zero and examine the vertical offset at each feature. The matches should sit on top of each other. If they are vertically offset, you know they’re poor and can delete them manually. Note: The Match Offset control is only available when Display is set to Preview Alignment. |
Error Threshold |
alignmentError |
10 |
Sets the threshold on the vertical alignment error in pixels. When Display is set to Preview Alignment, any matches with a vertical error greater than the threshold are selected in the Viewer. This allows you to easily delete poor matches with large errors when previewing alignment at keyframes. |
Current Frame |
Re-analyse Frame |
resetFrame |
N/A |
Click to clear the automatic feature matches from the current frame and recalculate them. This can be useful if there have been changes in the node tree upstream from O_Solver, you have deleted too many automatic feature matches, or you want to calculate the automatic matches based on any user matches you have created. |
Delete User Matches |
deleteUserMatches |
N/A |
Click to delete all feature matches you have manually added to the current frame. |