- class nuke.AnimationCurve
Insert a sequence of keys.
Change interpolation (and extrapolation) type for the keys. :param keys: Sequence of keys. :param type: Interpolation type. One of: nuke.HORIZONTAL nuke.BREAK nuke.BEFORE_CONST nuke.BEFORE_LINEAR nuke.AFTER_CONST nuke.AFTER_LINEAR. nuke.SMOOTH nuke.CONSTANT nuke.LINEAR nuke.CATMULL_ROM nuke.CUBIC :return: None.
Delete all keys.
- return
True if the animation appears to be a horizontal line, is a simple
The n'th derivative at time 't'.
Value at time 't'.
Get the expression.:return: String.
- return
- param s
- return
True if the animation appears to be such that y == x everywhere. This
Calculate the area underneath the curve from t1 to t2.
The inverse function at value y.
- return
List of keys.
Return knob this animation belongs to.:return: Knob.
Knob and field name combined (e.g.
Return the knob index this animation belongs to.:return: Int.
- return
True if the expression is the default expression (i.e. the keys
Remove some keys from the curve.
- return
True if selected, False otherwise.
Set expression.
Set a key at time t and value y.
- return
Number of keys.
- param selected
Optional parameter. If this is given and is True, then only
The view this AnimationCurve object is associated with.
- addKey(keys) None.
Insert a sequence of keys. :param keys: Sequence of AnimationKey. :return: None.
- changeInterpolation(keys, type) None.
Change interpolation (and extrapolation) type for the keys. :param keys: Sequence of keys. :param type: Interpolation type. One of:
- Returns
- clear() None.
Delete all keys. :return: None.
- constant() bool
- Returns
True if the animation appears to be a horizontal line, is a simple
number, or it is the default and all the points are at the same y value and have 0 slopes. False otherwise.
- derivative(t, n) Float.
The n’th derivative at time ‘t’. If n is less than 1 it returns evaluate(t). :param t: Time. :param n: Optional. Default is 1. :return: The value of the derivative.
- evaluate(t) float
Value at time ‘t’. :param t: Time. :return: The value of the animation at time ‘t’.
- expression() String.
Get the expression.:return: String.
- fixSlopes() None.
- Returns
- fromScript(s) None.
- Parameters
s – String.
- Returns
- identity() bool
- Returns
True if the animation appears to be such that y == x everywhere. This
is True only for an expression of ‘x’ or the default expression and all points having y == x and slope == 1. Extrapolation is ignored.
- integrate(t1, t2) Float.
Calculate the area underneath the curve from t1 to t2. :param t1 The start of the integration range. :param t2 The end of the integration range. :return: The result of the integration.
- inverse(y) Float.
The inverse function at value y. This is the value of x such that evaluate(x) returns y. This is designed to invert color lookup tables. It only works if the derivative is zero or positive everywhere. :param y: The value of the function to get the inverse for. :return: Float.
- keys() List of keys.
- Returns
List of keys.
- knob() Knob.
Return knob this animation belongs to.:return: Knob.
- knobAndFieldName() string.
Knob and field name combined (e.g. ‘translate.x’). :return: string.
- knobIndex() Int.
Return the knob index this animation belongs to.:return: Int.
- noExpression() bool
- Returns
True if the expression is the default expression (i.e. the keys
control the curve), False otherwise.
- removeKey(keys) None.
Remove some keys from the curve. :param keys: The sequence of keys to be removed. :return: None.
- selected() bool
- Returns
True if selected, False otherwise.
- setExpression(s) None.
Set expression. :param s: A string containing the expression. :return: None.
- setKey(t, y) Key.
Set a key at time t and value y. If there is no key there one is created. If there is a key there it is moved vertically to be at y. If a new key is inserted the interpolation and extrapolation are copied from a neighboring key, if there were no keys then it is set to nuke.SMOOTH interpolation and nuke.CONSTANT extrapolation. :param t: The time to set the key at. :param y: The value for the key. :return: The new key.
- size() Number of keys.
- Returns
Number of keys.
- toScript(selected) str
- Parameters
selected – Optional parameter. If this is given and is True, then only
process the selected curves; otherwise convert all. :return: A string containing the curves.
- view() String.
The view this AnimationCurve object is associated with. :return: String.