
class nuke.Viewer

Bases: Node




Class of node.


Add a callback to a specific event id.


Add knob k to this node or panel.


Get a list of all knobs in this node, including nameless knobs.


Automatically place nodes, so they do not overlap.



A node.


Bounding box of the node.


Check whether the output of 'node' can be connected to input i.


Capture the viewer image to a file.


List channels output by this node.


Remove all callbacks on the node that were previously added using self.addCallback(string, Callable).


Clear the custom icon set for the node.


The instance index is not guaranteed to be the same between Nuke sessions.


param i

Instance index.



List of nodes.



Number of clones.


Connect the output of 'node' to the i'th input or the next available unconnected input.


Return pixel values from a deep image.


Return number of samples for a pixel on a deep image.


List all nodes referred to by this node. 'what' is an optional integer (see below). You can use the following constants or'ed together to select what types of dependencies are looked for: nuke.EXPRESSIONS = expressions nuke.LINKINPUTS = link knobs nuke.LINKNODE_INPUTS = link nodes nuke.INPUTS = visible input pipes nuke.HIDDEN_INPUTS = hidden input pipes. The default is to look for all types of connections.


List all nodes that read information from this node. 'what' is an optional integer:


True if the node or any in its input tree have an error, or False otherwise.


Executes the callback if one was added for the given event id string using self.addCallback(string, Callable).


param start

first frame


First frame in frame range for this node.





Force the node to validate itself, updating its hash.


Format of the node.


Determine whether frame /f/ is known to be in the memory cache.


Frame range for this node.


Get the name of this node and any groups enclosing it in '' form.


Returns the node that this node is linked against.


self.numKnobs() -> The number of knobs.



True if the node itself has an error, regardless of the state of the ops in its input tree, or False otherwise.


Height of the node.



Help for the node.


:return The current documentation help URL for the node





param i

Input number.



Number of the highest connected input + 1. If inputs 0, 1, and 3 are connected, this will return 4.



True if the node is a clone, False otherwise.



True if the node allows cloning, False otherwise.


Return True if the node is currently linked to a node.



true if the Localization source file has changed






Is a recording being made or played?


Returns the current selection state of the node.


param p

A string or an integer.


Get a dictionary of (name, knob) pairs for all knobs in this node.


Last frame in frame range for this node.


Returns a list of any knobs that may be linked to from the node as well as some meta information about the knob.



float, between 0.0 (not localized) and 1.0 (localized)




self.maximumInputs() -> Maximum number of inputs this node can have.


self.maximumOutputs() -> Maximum number of outputs this node can have.



Maximum number of inputs this node can have.



Maximum number of outputs this node can have.


Return the metadata item for key on this node at current output context, or at optional time and view.


self.minimumInputs() -> Minimum number of inputs this node can have.



Minimum number of inputs this node can have.



Name of node.



The number of knobs.


Returns a list of hash values, one for each op in this node.



Number of first optional input.


Override knob k on this link node.



@category: performance category ( optional ).A performance category, must be either nuke.PROFILE_STORE, nuke.PROFILE_VALIDATE, nuke.PROFILE_REQUEST or nuke.PROFILE_ENGINE The default is nuke.PROFILE_ENGINE which gives the performance info of the render engine.


Pixel Aspect ratio of the node.


Return the frame range that's currently set to be played back in the viewer.:return: FrameRange.



True if proxy is enabled, False otherwise.


Read the knobs from a string (TCL syntax).


Start viewer window mouse recording.:return: Recording started?


Stop viewer window mouse recording.


Force a redraw of the node.


Remove a callback for a specific event id string that was previously added using self.addCallback(string, Callable).


Remove knob k from this node or panel.


Remove override from knob k on this link node.


Start timer based (asynchronous) playback of a viewer window mouse recording.:param: Name of recording xml file to play:return: Replay started?


Start direct (synchronous) playback of a viewer window mouse recording.:param: Name of recording xml file to play:return: Replay succeeded?


Reset all the knobs to their default values.


Region of interest set in the viewer in pixel space coordinates.


Whether the viewing of just a region of interest is enabled.



Class method.


Return pixel values from an image.


Height of the node when displayed on screen in the DAG, at 1:1 zoom, in pixels.


Width of the node when displayed on screen in the DAG, at 1:1 zoom, in pixels.


Set this node to be the only selection, as if it had been clicked in the DAG.


Temporary: Post a mouse event to the viewer window.


Set a custom icon for the node.


Connect input i to node if canSetInput() returns true.


Set name of the node and resolve name collisions if optional named argument 'uncollide' is True.


Set the region of interest in pixel space.


Set the selection state of the node.


param tabIndex

The tab to show (first is 0).


Set the (x, y) position of node in node graph.


Set the x position of node in node graph.


Set the y position of node in node graph.


param forceFloat

Optional python object. If it evaluates to True the control panel will always open as a floating panel. Default is False.


Creates a dialog box showing the result of script s.



true if the properties panel is open. This can be used to skip updates that are not visible to the user.


Toggle mouse trails in the viewer window on/off.:return: Trails now showing?


toggleWaitOnEvents() -> Bool


True if the node or any in its input tree have an error, or False otherwise.


Unlink the node without possibility to resolve.



Frame range for the i'th input of this node.


Return the frame range that is currently visible in the viewer.:return: FrameRange.


Width of the node.


Return a tcl list.



X position of node in node graph.



Y position of node in node graph.

Class() Class of node.

Class of node.

addCallback(string, Callable) None

Add a callback to a specific event id. Specific event ids can be found in the documentation of the related type or function. The LiveGroupNode has some examples of these event ids such as nuke.LIVEGROUP_CALLBACK_PUBLISHED. It is possible to use your own event id string and then execute the callback using self.executeCallback(string). Note that this is not related to the standard Nuke callback mechanism. :param string: the string event id to add the callback on. :param callable: callable to execute when the event is triggered. The callable should take the node as a parameter e.g. def callback(node): :return: None

addKnob(k) None.

Add knob k to this node or panel. :param k: Knob. :return: None.

allKnobs() list

Get a list of all knobs in this node, including nameless knobs.

For example:

>>> b = nuke.nodes.Blur()
>>> b.allKnobs()

List of all knobs.

Note that this doesn’t follow the links for Link_Knobs/Obsolete_Knobs

autoplace() None.

Automatically place nodes, so they do not overlap. :return: None.

baseNode() Return the 'original'(base) node if this is a clone, or this node if not cloned.

A node.

bbox() List of x, y, w, h.

Bounding box of the node. :return: List of x, y, w, h.

canSetInput(i, node) bool

Check whether the output of ‘node’ can be connected to input i. :param i: Input number. :param node: The node to be connected to input i. :return: True if node can be connected, False otherwise.

capture(file) None

Capture the viewer image to a file. Only jpg files are supported at present. The image is captured immediately even if the viewer is mid-render.To capture a fully rendered image at a frame or frame range use nuke.render passing in the viewer node you want to capture.When using nuke.render the filename is specified by the ‘file’ knob on the viewer node.

channels() String list.

List channels output by this node. :return: String list.

clearCallbacks() None

Remove all callbacks on the node that were previously added using self.addCallback(string, Callable). Note that this is not related to the standard Nuke callback mechanism. :return: None

clearCustomIcon() None.

Clear the custom icon set for the node. :return: None.

cloneInstanceIndex() The instance index of this node where 0 is the base node, and clones begin at index 1.

The instance index is not guaranteed to be the same between Nuke sessions. :return: Index of clone instance, or -1 if node is not cloned.

cloneInstanceNode() The node for a valid clone instance index. If index is 0 this node(the base) is returned.

i – Instance index.


An instance node, or None if index is invalid for this node.

cloneInstances() Return a list of all instances for this node.

List of nodes.

clones() Number of clones.

Number of clones.

connectInput(i, node) bool

Connect the output of ‘node’ to the i’th input or the next available unconnected input. The requested input is tried first, but if it is already set then subsequent inputs are tried until an unconnected one is found, as when you drop a connection arrow onto a node in the GUI. :param i: Input number to try first. :param node: The node to connect to input i. :return: True if a connection is made, False otherwise.

deepSample(c, x, y, n) Floating point value.

Return pixel values from a deep image. This requires the image to be calculated, so performance may be very bad if this is placed into an expression in a control panel. :param c: Channel name. :param x: Position to sample (X coordinate). :param y: Position to sample (Y coordinate). :param n: Sample index (between 0 and the number returned by deepSampleCount() for this pixel, or -1 for the frontmost). :return: Floating point value.

deepSampleCount(x, y) Integer value.

Return number of samples for a pixel on a deep image. This requires the image to be calculated, so performance may be very bad if this is placed into an expression in a control panel. :param x: Position to sample (X coordinate). :param y: Position to sample (Y coordinate). :return: Integer value.

dependencies(what) List of nodes.

List all nodes referred to by this node. ‘what’ is an optional integer (see below). You can use the following constants or’ed together to select what types of dependencies are looked for:

nuke.EXPRESSIONS = expressions nuke.LINKINPUTS = link knobs nuke.LINKNODE_INPUTS = link nodes nuke.INPUTS = visible input pipes nuke.HIDDEN_INPUTS = hidden input pipes.

The default is to look for all types of connections.

Example: nuke.toNode(‘Blur1’).dependencies( nuke.INPUTS | nuke.EXPRESSIONS ) :param what: Or’ed constant of nuke.EXPRESSIONS, nuke.INPUTS and nuke.HIDDEN_INPUTS to select the types of dependencies. The default is to look for all types of connections. :return: List of nodes.

dependent(what, forceEvaluate) List of nodes.
List all nodes that read information from this node. ‘what’ is an optional integer:
You can use any combination of the following constants or’ed together to select what types of dependent nodes to look for:

nuke.EXPRESSIONS = expressions nuke.LINKINPUTS = link knobs nuke.LINKNODE_INPUTS = link nodes nuke.INPUTS = visible input pipes nuke.HIDDEN_INPUTS = hidden input pipes.

The default is to look for all types of connections.

forceEvaluate is an optional boolean defaulting to True. When this parameter is true, it forces a re-evaluation of the entire tree. This can be expensive, but otherwise could give incorrect results if nodes are expression-linked.

Example: nuke.toNode(‘Blur1’).dependent( nuke.INPUTS | nuke.EXPRESSIONS ) :param what: Or’ed constant of nuke.EXPRESSIONS, nuke.INPUTS and nuke.HIDDEN_INPUTS to select the types of dependent nodes. The default is to look for all types of connections. :param forceEvaluate: Specifies whether a full tree evaluation will take place. Defaults to True. :return: List of nodes.

error() bool

True if the node or any in its input tree have an error, or False otherwise.

Error state of the node and its input tree. Deprecated; use hasError or treeHasError instead. Note that this will always return false for viewers, which cannot generate their input trees. Instead, choose an input of the viewer (e.g. the active one), and call treeHasError() on that.

executePythonCallback(string) None

Executes the callback if one was added for the given event id string using self.addCallback(string, Callable). Specific event ids can be found in the documentation of the related type or function. The LiveGroupNode has some examples of these event ids such as nuke.LIVEGROUP_CALLBACK_PUBLISHED. It is possible to use your own event id string by adding a callback for it using self.addCallback(string, Callable). Note that this is not related to the standard Nuke callback mechanism. :param string: the string event id with the callback to execute. :return: None

fileDependencies(start, end) List of nodes and filenames.
  • start – first frame

  • end – last frame

Returns the list of input file dependencies for this node and all nodes upstream from this node for the given frame range. The file dependencies are calcuated by searching for Read ops or ops with a File knob. All views are considered and current proxy mode is used to decide on whether full format or proxy files are returned. Note that Write nodes files are also included but precomps, gizmos and external plugins are not. Any time shifting operation such as frameholds, timeblurs, motionblur etc are taken into consideration. :return The return list is a list of nodes and files they require. Eg. [Read1, [‘file1.dpx, file2.dpx’] ], [Read2, [‘file3.dpx’, ‘file4.dpx’] ] ]

firstFrame() int.

First frame in frame range for this node. :return: int.

forceUpdateLocalization() Force Updates the localized files for this node.


forceValidate() None

Force the node to validate itself, updating its hash.

format() Format.

Format of the node. :return: Format.

frameCached(f) Bool

Determine whether frame /f/ is known to be in the memory cache.

frameRange() FrameRange.

Frame range for this node. :return: FrameRange.

fullName() str

Get the name of this node and any groups enclosing it in ‘’ form. :return: The fully-qualified name of this node, as a string.

Returns the node that this node is linked against.


TypeError – If the node is not a linkable node.


Node this node is linked against, returns None if not linked.


self.numKnobs() -> The number of knobs. :return: The number of knobs.

getStage([OutputContext][, list of additional times]) Runs the graph and returns the composed stage for geometry, Viewer or ScanlineRender nodes (if the latter two have geometry nodes connected, else None). Returns None for other node types.
hasError() bool

True if the node itself has an error, regardless of the state of the ops in its input tree, or False otherwise.

Error state of the node itself, regardless of the state of the ops in its input tree. Note that an error on a node may not appear if there is an error somewhere in its input tree, because it may not be possible to validate the node itself correctly in that case.

height() int.

Height of the node. :return: int.

help() str

Help for the node.


:return The current documentation help URL for the node

hideControlPanel() None


input(i) The i'th input.

i – Input number.


The i’th input.

inputs() Gets the maximum number of connected inputs.

Number of the highest connected input + 1. If inputs 0, 1, and 3 are connected, this will return 4.

isClone() Is this node a clone? If so use baseNode() to retrieve the 'original' node.

True if the node is a clone, False otherwise.

isCloneable() If the node permits cloning.

True if the node allows cloning, False otherwise.

isLinked() bool

Return True if the node is currently linked to a node.


TypeError – If the node is not a linkable node.


True if linked.

isLocalizationOutdated() Returns if there are changes detected in the source file.

true if the Localization source file has changed

isLocalized() returns True/False whether the node is completely localized.


isPlayingOrRecording() Bool

Is a recording being made or played?

isSelected() bool

Returns the current selection state of the node. This is the same as checking the ‘selected’ knob. :return: True if selected, or False if not.

knob(p[, follow_link]) The knob named p or the pth knob.
  • p – A string or an integer.

  • follow_link – Should it follow links to Link_Knob until resolution. Default is True.


The knob named p or the pth knob.

knobs() dict

Get a dictionary of (name, knob) pairs for all knobs in this node.

For example:

>>> b = nuke.nodes.Blur()
>>> b.knobs()

Dictionary of all knobs.

Note that this doesn’t follow the links for Link_Knobs/Obsolete_Knobs

lastFrame() int.

Last frame in frame range for this node. :return: int.

linkableKnobs(knobType) List

Returns a list of any knobs that may be linked to from the node as well as some meta information about the knob. This may include whether the knob is enabled and whether it should be used for absolute or relative values. Not all of these variables may make sense for all knobs.. :param knobType A KnobType describing the type of knobs you want.:return: A list of LinkableKnobInfo that may be empty .

localizationProgress() Checks and reports on progress of localization of the current node.

float, between 0.0 (not localized) and 1.0 (localized)

lock() Sets the node to a locked state where knobs cannot be edited.
locked() Returns True if the node is locked, False otherwise.

self.maximumInputs() -> Maximum number of inputs this node can have. :return: Maximum number of inputs this node can have.


self.maximumOutputs() -> Maximum number of outputs this node can have. :return: Maximum number of outputs this node can have.

maximumInputs() Maximum number of inputs this node can have.

Maximum number of inputs this node can have.

maximumOutputs() Maximum number of outputs this node can have.

Maximum number of outputs this node can have.

metadata(key, time, view) value or dict

Return the metadata item for key on this node at current output context, or at optional time and view. If key is not specified a dictionary containing all key/value pairs is returned. None is returned if key does not exist on this node. :param key: Optional name of the metadata key to retrieve. :param time: Optional time to evaluate at (default is taken from node’s current output context). :param view: Optional view to evaluate at (default is taken from node’s current output context). :return: The requested metadata value, a dictionary containing all keys if a key name is not provided, or None if the specified key is not matched.


self.minimumInputs() -> Minimum number of inputs this node can have. :return: Minimum number of inputs this node can have.

minimumInputs() Minimum number of inputs this node can have.

Minimum number of inputs this node can have.

name() str

Name of node.

numKnobs() The number of knobs.

The number of knobs.

opHashes() list of int

Returns a list of hash values, one for each op in this node.

optionalInput() Number of first optional input.

Number of first optional input.

overrideKnob(k) bool

Override knob k on this link node.


k – Knob to override.

  • TypeError – If the node is not a linkable node.

  • RuntimeError – If not linked.


True if knob successfully overridden.

parent() Return the parent group node for this node.
performanceInfo(category) Returns performance information for this node. Performance timing must be enabled.

@category: performance category ( optional ).A performance category, must be either nuke.PROFILE_STORE, nuke.PROFILE_VALIDATE, nuke.PROFILE_REQUEST or nuke.PROFILE_ENGINE The default is nuke.PROFILE_ENGINE which gives the performance info of the render engine. :return: A dictionary containing the cumulative performance info for this category, where: callCount = the number of calls made timeTakenCPU = the CPU time spent in microseconds timeTakenWall = the actual time ( wall time ) spent in microseconds

pixelAspect() int.

Pixel Aspect ratio of the node. :return: float.

playbackRange() FrameRange.

Return the frame range that’s currently set to be played back in the viewer.:return: FrameRange.

proxy() bool

True if proxy is enabled, False otherwise.

readKnobs(s) None.

Read the knobs from a string (TCL syntax). :param s: A string. :return: None.

recordMouse() Bool

Start viewer window mouse recording.:return: Recording started?


Stop viewer window mouse recording.

redraw() None.

Force a redraw of the node. :return: None.

removeCallback(string) None

Remove a callback for a specific event id string that was previously added using self.addCallback(string, Callable). Note that this is not related to the standard Nuke callback mechanism. :param string: the string event id with the callback to remove. :return: None

removeKnob(k) None.

Remove knob k from this node or panel. Throws a ValueError exception if k is not found on the node. :param k: Knob. :return: None.

removeOverrideKnob(k) bool

Remove override from knob k on this link node.


k – Knob to remove override from.

  • TypeError – If the node is not a linkable node.

  • RuntimeError – If not linked.


True if override removed successfully.

replayMouseAsync(xmlRecordingFilename) Bool

Start timer based (asynchronous) playback of a viewer window mouse recording.:param: Name of recording xml file to play:return: Replay started?

replayMouseSync(xmlRecordingFilename) Bool

Start direct (synchronous) playback of a viewer window mouse recording.:param: Name of recording xml file to play:return: Replay succeeded?

resetKnobsToDefault() None

Reset all the knobs to their default values.

roi() dict

Region of interest set in the viewer in pixel space coordinates. Returns None if the Viewer has no window yet. :return: Dict with keys x, y, r and t or None.

roiEnabled() bool

Whether the viewing of just a region of interest is enabled. Returns None if the Viewer has no window yet. :return: Boolean or None.

rootNode() Returns this node's root node. This may differ from nuke.root() for example if the read node was created importing footage to the timeline.
running() Node rendering when paralled threads are running or None.

Class method. :return: Node rendering when paralled threads are running or None.

sample(c, x, y, dx, dy) Floating point value.

Return pixel values from an image. This requires the image to be calculated, so performance may be very bad if this is placed into an expression in a control panel. Produces a cubic filtered result. Any sizes less than 1, including 0, produce the same filtered result, this is correct based on sampling theory. Note that integers are at the corners of pixels, to center on a pixel add .5 to both coordinates. If the optional dx,dy are not given then the exact value of the square pixel that x,y lands in is returned. This is also called ‘impulse filtering’. :param c: Channel name. :param x: Centre of the area to sample (X coordinate). :param y: Centre of the area to sample (Y coordinate). :param dx: Optional size of the area to sample (X coordinate). :param dy: Optional size of the area to sample (Y coordinate). :param frame: Optional frame to sample the node at. :return: Floating point value.

screenHeight() int.

Height of the node when displayed on screen in the DAG, at 1:1 zoom, in pixels. :return: int.

screenWidth() int.

Width of the node when displayed on screen in the DAG, at 1:1 zoom, in pixels. :return: int.

selectOnly() None.

Set this node to be the only selection, as if it had been clicked in the DAG. :return: None.

sendMouseEvent() Bool

Temporary: Post a mouse event to the viewer window.

setCustomIcon(image, scale, offsetX, offsetY) bool.

Set a custom icon for the node. :param image: filepath to image to be used as an icon. :param scale: Optional. scale factor for the icon. :param offsetX: Optional. offset the icon in the x axis from the top left corner of the node. :param offsetY: Optional. offset the icon in the y axis from the top left corner of the node. :return: True if icon has been set, else false.

setInput(i, node) bool

Connect input i to node if canSetInput() returns true. :param i: Input number. :param node: The node to connect to input i. :return: True if canSetInput() returns true, or if the input is already correct.

setName(name, uncollide=True, updateExpressions=False) None

Set name of the node and resolve name collisions if optional named argument ‘uncollide’ is True. :param name: A string. :param uncollide: Optional boolean to resolve name collisions. Defaults to True. :param updateExpressions: Optional boolean to update expressions in other nodes to point at the new name. Defaults to False. :return: None

setRoi(box) None.

Set the region of interest in pixel space. :param box: A dictionary with the x, y, r and t keys.:return: None.

setSelected(selected) None.

Set the selection state of the node. This is the same as changing the ‘selected’ knob. :param selected: New selection state - True or False. :return: None.

setTab(tabIndex) None

tabIndex – The tab to show (first is 0).



setXYpos(x, y) None.

Set the (x, y) position of node in node graph. :param x: The x position of node in node graph. :param y: The y position of node in node graph. :return: None.

setXpos(x) None.

Set the x position of node in node graph. :param x: The x position of node in node graph. :return: None.

setYpos(y) None.

Set the y position of node in node graph. :param y: The y position of node in node graph. :return: None.

showControlPanel(forceFloat=false) None

forceFloat – Optional python object. If it evaluates to True the control panel will always open as a floating panel. Default is False.



showInfo(s) None.

Creates a dialog box showing the result of script s. :param s: A string. :return: None.

shown() true if the properties panel is open. This can be used to skip updates that are not visible to the user.

true if the properties panel is open. This can be used to skip updates that are not visible to the user.

toggleMouseTrails() Bool

Toggle mouse trails in the viewer window on/off.:return: Trails now showing?


toggleWaitOnEvents() -> Bool

Toggle whether asynchronous playback waits on each event. Otherwise events will be handled by the next nuke update.:return: Now waiting?

treeHasError() bool

True if the node or any in its input tree have an error, or False otherwise.

Error state of the node and its input tree. Note that this will always return false for viewers, which cannot generate their input trees. Instead, choose an input of the viewer (e.g. the active one), and call treeHasError() on that.

Unlink the node without possibility to resolve.


TypeError – If the node is not a linkable node.

unlock() Unlocks the node and makes knobs editable.
upstreamFrameRange(i) FrameRange

Frame range for the i’th input of this node. :param i: Input number. :return: FrameRange. Returns None when querying an invalid input.

visibleRange() FrameRange.

Return the frame range that is currently visible in the viewer.:return: FrameRange.

width() int.

Width of the node. :return: int.

writeKnobs(i) String in .nk form.

Return a tcl list. If TO_SCRIPT | TO_VALUE is not on, this is a simple list of knob names. If it is on, it is an alternating list of knob names and the output of to_script().

Flags can be any of these or’d together: - nuke.TO_SCRIPT produces to_script(0) values - nuke.TO_VALUE produces to_script(context) values - nuke.WRITE_NON_DEFAULT_ONLY skips knobs with not_default() false - nuke.WRITE_USER_KNOB_DEFS writes addUserKnob commands for user knobs - nuke.WRITE_ALL writes normally invisible knobs like name, xpos, ypos


i – The set of flags or’d together. Default is TO_SCRIPT | TO_VALUE.


String in .nk form.

xpos() X position of node in node graph.

X position of node in node graph.

ypos() Y position of node in node graph.

Y position of node in node graph.